What must not be forgotten for a trip to Indonesia - Indonesia - Nomadays
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What must not be forgotten for a trip to Indonesia

For a trip to Indonesia, it is strongly recommended that you travel light. The heat is always at the rendezvous, the soft and light clothes will always be more appreciable. However, do not forget to bring at least one warm sweater and a kaway-style windbreaker jacket for rainy days and for night hikes on volcanoes. At the summits, the nights are rather cool.

Some regions and islands of the archipelago are Muslim, it will sometimes be better for women to bring a headscarf to cover themselves.

For the visit of the temples, you will have to cover your legs and arms, it is then advisable to bring yourself a pareo for example.

For adventure trips, think about bringing you good walking shoes in which you feel comfortable.

Accessories such as sunglasses, a hat, sunscreen, anti-mosquito are also to put in your suitcase.

We also advise you to bring external chargers for your Powerbank type batteries, as well as a flashlight in the event of a power failure.

And finally, think of course a pharmacy kit that contains paracetamol, biafine, dressings and bandage, antiseptic and anti-emetic.

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